Q. How do I register my child for baseball and softball?
A. Online registration will open around December 1. When the online registration is activated a notice will appear on the front page of our website. The other way to register is to mail in the registration. Forms and address are listed under the Registration tab on website. Knothole registration is handled through the Knothole coach. If playing Knothole please do not submit a registration either through the online registration or mail one in. Please contact Scott Steiner for Knothole details.
Q. Is there a deadline for me to register my child and still make sure he/she is placed on his previous team or a new team?
A. We keep registration open as long as possible or until a certain division is full. However we need time to form teams and order uniforms so we prefer to have you register as quickly as possible (preferably by March 1). Since our goal is to give as many boys and girls as possible the opportunity to play we continue to accept registrations after this date until the teams are full. Please keep in mind that while we try to accomodate requests to be on certain teams we cannot guarantee this after March 1. In the event that more players request to be on a team than there are openings, returning players will recieve priority as long as they register by the above dates. In most cases we are still able to place the child on a team. When we cannot accept any more players a notice will be posted on the website.
Q. Can my child be placed on a team with his friend?
A. Every effort is made to accommodate these requests if they are made early enough and if the team has room on the roster. When requesting this make a notation as to the friends name and if possible the coach on the team he plays on. Have the friend list your child’s name as wanting to play on the same team as him/her. In the event that more players request placement on a team than the team has openings returning players recieve priority as long as they signup by the above dates. These requests need to be made by March 1 and may be honored after this date if there is an opening.
Q. This is my child’s first year of playing. What equipment do I need?
A. We supply the equipment needed to field a team. You will need to supply a glove and cleats for your child. Many players like their own bat or helmet so you can purchase them one if you wish. We also supply the pants, hat and jersey for the player....you can keep the hate and jersey....to try to keep costs down it you will need to return the pants at th end of the season....
Q. How often are games and practices?
A. Each coach will be given a practice night during the week. Practices tend to last between 60- 90 minutes depending on the age group. The coach can request additional practice time if they desire. T-Ball and I-Ball play most of their games on Sunday at 1:00 pm. Minors plays most of their games on Saturday. Nationals play games on Wednesday and Saturday. Softball games play on the weekends and some weekdays.
Q. How long is the season?
A. Practices typically start the end of March or early April depending on the weather. Knothole games typically start the middle of April. Community games typically start the last weekend of April. Softball games typically start the diddl of April... Knothole’s regular season is completed the end of June. County and City tournaments will run into July if your team is participating. Weather permitting we try to complete the Community season and tournament before the 4th of July. Softball is typically done the middle to end of June for most age groups.
Q. Are there any tournaments?
A. There are several tournaments
T-BALL & I-BALL- There are no tournaments
MINORS & NATIONALS- There is a season ending tournament.
Weather permitting we try to have this completed before the 4th of
KNOTHOLE- Based on the individual teams record they may be eligible
for the City Tournament. All teams are eligible for the County
tournament. This runs in July.
SOFTBALL- There are various tournaments around town that individual
teams can opt to play in.
Q. How does the Lightening Detector work?
A. When lightening is detected in the area the horn sends out a long blast and the light will start flashing. The light will continue to flash as long as lightening is detected in the area. When this goes off everyone is to leave the field immediately and go to their cars. THE SOUND OF THE HORN DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY CANCEL THE REST OF THE GAME. It does not have to be raining for lightening to be in the area.
Everyone is to stay in their cars until the ALL CLEAR sounds. The ALL CLEAR will be several blasts of the horn at which time the light will quit flashing. You can then return to the field to continue play. Once the ALL CLEAR has sounded the games can start immediately as long as field conditions permit. One system is located on the front of the park on top of the conference room and the other is located on the left as you enter the back of the park. In the event the lightening is accompanied by heavy rains and the fields are unplayable your coach will be informed. Please keep in mind that we have added material to many fields that will enable many games to continue shortly after a heavy rain.
Q. Is there a way for me to be informed of field conditions?
A. You can sign up on our website to be informed of field conditions etc. All you need to do is go to the front of our website and click on the tab for E-mail Signup. This will take you to the place where you can register. Field conditions will also be posted on the website.
Q. How do I go about coaching my son/daughter’s team?
A. When you signup your child there will be a place where you can state that you are interested in coaching. We also recommend contacting the person in charge of the particular age group to let them know of your interest. This information can be found on the website under the Registration tab. You should also complete the Manager’s Application and Background Check information and submit it to MYBA. This information is also located under the Registration tab.
Q. Who do I contact if I am interested in volunteering to help the organization or my business would like to help sponsor something at the park.
A. Our organization is successful based on the efforts of volunteers and is helped by the generosity of many businesses or individuals. For information please contact Bob Bowman at bob.bowman@milfordyouthbaseball.com