Severe Weather System
Severe Weather System active at Finley Ray Park
Finley Ray park is equiped with severe weather warning system
When the horns and lights go off, please go to your cars immediately!!!
Possibly dangerous weather is imminent.
Please do not return to the playing field or surrounding area until the "ALL CLEAR" (3 horn blasts) sounds!!!
If lightening is present or you hear thunder please go to your cars immediately even if the horns have not sounded....If this is the case you must wait 30 minutes to return to the field....if during this time you see another lightening strike or hear more thunder the 30 minute waiting period starts over

If you have started a game, have the scorekeepers and umpires get together to make sure both sides are clear as to where the game was postponed. The game will resume at this point and may not be on the same day. DO NOT assume the game is cancelled if you hear the horn.
Umpires remember, your are in charge of your game. Make sure everyone clears the fields and advise your managers that they are not to leave. Games will be cancelled by a Park Supervisor…not the teams playing.